I got a new pair of glasses. I guess I should back up. I have had glasses, for quite some time. But initially I only needed them for distance. So things like driving at night, watching sports in a stadium, watching live theater. Which meant some people knew me and hardly ever saw me in glasses. And some people only ever saw me in glasses. It was interesting.
Anyway, a few years ago an optometrist told me my close up vision had actually gotten better but some people after a certain age found bifocals helpful, so I should consider them. I was confused. If my close up vision was better, why would I need to. So I got another pair of distance glasses and carried them around, using as needed.
And then about two years ago, I was at a restaurant with a friend and caught myself doing that maneuver I had seen my mom do many times, where you trying to hold the menu closer, then farther, trying to find the right distance. And I thought, okay, yeah, it might be time to consider multi-focal glasses.
So got an updated prescription, talked the the optometrist about options, texted friends. And I got myself progressive lenses.
And the first time I wore them, they made me dizzy. It was weird. Things that used to be clear were now fuzzy and some things were clear, but depending on how close they were. I took them right back off. But I experimented with putting them on and immediately leaving the house, and that seemed to work. So I started with that, and now I wear them all the time.
So this new pair I just got is photochromic. And the first day I wore them it was dark in the morning, and so it wasn't until I was headed home I had a chance to show them some sunshine. And I was looking around, and annoyed that they didn't seem to be working. I had been using clip on before. They made a dramatic flip closed when I put them on, and gave great sun protection. I pulled out my phone and doubled checked that I had really ordered the photochromic. I had.
And then I switched on the phone camera to take a selfie to show the glasses people and noticed that, uh, then lenses were dark. They were working. The shift had been gradual enough that I just hadn't seen it. They were doing the thing, quietly, without fanfare.
I think sometimes the federal government can be like that. Sure we all complain about potholes. But like monitor and repairing roads is a huge thing, and I am glad that some group is in charge for that. Someone else monitors the signs. Trims the trees that are pressing against power lines. Handles fire engine maintenance. The grants that help fund arts. The library that maintains huge amounts of documents and instruments among other things. Museums. The National Parks. Okay, I don't mean to list everything the government does because we'd be here all day. I read a study once that most people think they use no Federal government programs, and the average person is on seven. We all use roads. I use public transit too. I visit museums and National Parks. I get mail. I'm sure there's more I'm overlooking. Because a lot of it is just kind of quietly there. So it's not a big deal.